
Showing posts from 2018

DPS911 - Release 5

Jest and Puppeteer testing For my last release, I am attempting to use Jest and Puppeteer for testing my torrent sharing pages. Jest is a unit testing framework for ReacjtJS projects, and it is made by FaceBook. The PR can be found here . I am still learning Jest & Puppeteer and how it all works together. Currently, I am creating a tree of files before the torrent starts, then once the torrent is complete, I am testing again whether those files are created. This PR is still a work in progress, I am still working on it to fully complete it, and have jest run the torrent itself.

DPS911 - Release 4

This is my fourth release for my Open Source class at Seneca College. With this release, I have multiple small bugs that I fixed, in addition to a build script that I built, and a react page for the sharing. There were two small bugs that I have fixed for the documentation that I have completed in my first release . Both were linking errors for the docusaurus pages. The first issue that I fixed, was #50 - Broken docs , and the second one was #105 - Fix docs siteConfig . All of the style sheets and images were missing for this issue. After a short investigation into the cause of this, I found out that all the resource files were linked incorrectly. The base url was set incorrectly to '/'  instead of the github pages url. After I fixed this, I cleaned up the code a little. I removed a few unnecessary headers, minified the svg file, removed users from the Docs, and cleaned up some code from the .gitignore file. The next issue that I fixed was when the resource files for...

DPS911 - Release 3

This is my third release for my Open Source class. This release is a progression on my the second release , where I used WebTorrent for sharing resource files. In the previous release, I created two different pages, one for importing files and one is exporting files. With this release, I joined the two files together, and added a few new features, such as number of peers, and download progression.    For testing purposes, we have a temporary main page for testing things like the editor, the Linux terminal, or file editor. I've added the share link in there as well for easy access during testing.  The look of the page is elegant now, it looks professional compared to the previous iteration. It displays the progress of the download, remaining time, download speed, download progress, upload speed, number of peers, and the total time. Once the torrent is complete, a message pop ups on the bottom saying it is complete. To start the torrent, the Start Seed butt...

DPS911 - Release 2

This is my second release for the DPS911 - Open Source class. With this release, I created two pages for sharing resource files between users, one was for importing the files, and the other was for exporting. I am using Webtorrent streaming service for sharing the files. The pull request can be found here , while the issue is located here I did have some trouble with this release. Initially, I had the user selecting local files to share instead of resource files. The pages themselves are very simple, most of the work was done in the back-end. The import page only has an input field for the magnetURI, and a download button download all the files. The export page automatically starts the torrent when opened, sharing all of the resource files, and displaying the magnetURI. This release was simple, there's no extra features included such as number of seeders, progress, or number of files. All this will be included in the next release, which will include combining the pages into ...


Space Colonization By: Mat Babol BTR820 - Research Methodologies and Project This is a blog containing my list of my references that I will be using for my final research paper. Why we need to explore the cosmos Articles detailing the need for humanity to colonize the cosmos and the technology needed. Moon landing anniversary shows us that NASA and Space exploration are worth their cost Wallace Fowler, Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics The many benefits of space exploration, which include space mining, new technology that can be used in our daily lives, colonization of other celestial bodies, and more Gavin Whale There's only one way for humanity to survive: go to mars. Interview with National Geographic's Michio Kaku. Simon Worrall Kilopo...

DPS911 - Release 1

About two weeks ago, I started a DPS911 Open Source Projects class, which is essentially a continuation of the previous DPS909 Topics in Open Source Development class that I took last year. The class size is much smaller, we have 4 students compared to the 30+ we had last time, which is nice the professor can spend more time with us as opposed to the entire 30+ class of students. For this class, we are starting a project that my professor has envisioned, for now we are calling it unbundled . This project is meant to recreate an operating system for web development in a browser environment. The idea is to have features such as accessing directory of files, a code editor, command line terminal, sharing files, and more, be available in the browser for use on any operating system. The project isn't re-inventing the wheel, the technology is already there, we are just putting everything together. Brackets , for example, will be used for the code editor, while webtorrent will be used f...

Bug 0.2 Release Fix

Hello once again! This is the last assignment for my Open Source. This was an incredible class that got me started in the open source world, and I will continue this journey after this class is over. This was my 0.2 bug release. I found a few bugs to work on last blog, and now I am documenting my progress, and how I've completed it. For this release, I had 4 bugs to work on in total. The first bug was still ongoing bug from my first release that I haven't completed, it was for Thimble, a web-based code editor. Thimble is a unique code-editor, in the sense that it has a screen that is being updated in real time as the code is being written. It's a great learning tool for new programmers. The bug is relatively simple, the user is able to move the divider so far as to make each line on the editor a character. I simply need to add a min-width to both of the panes. However the editor is made programmability, and I've been having troubles finding out whe...

Bug 0.2 Planning

This past week or two, I've been searching for good bugs to work on for my next release for my DPS909 Open Source class at Seneca College. I still have a bug that I haven't figured out during my first release, this was my from thimble , I will give this another shot. During my search for bugs, I came across a project called Cuberite , which is a lightweight game server for MineCraft. I occasionally play MineCraft with my youngest brother, and so I thought I'd love to work on a bug for MineCraft. Before committing to a bug, I thought I'd try running the server and possibly reproducing one of the many bugs, unfortunately I couldn't even start the server! After some frustration, I decided I'll leave this until another time, I don't want to give up on it just yet, but my time is running out for release 0.2, and I can't be wasting time if I cant even get the server to start up properly. For my next release, I wanted to write more code. For the 0....