DPS911 - Release 1
About two weeks ago, I started a DPS911 Open Source Projects class, which is essentially a continuation of the previous DPS909 Topics in Open Source Development class that I took last year. The class size is much smaller, we have 4 students compared to the 30+ we had last time, which is nice the professor can spend more time with us as opposed to the entire 30+ class of students. For this class, we are starting a project that my professor has envisioned, for now we are calling it unbundled . This project is meant to recreate an operating system for web development in a browser environment. The idea is to have features such as accessing directory of files, a code editor, command line terminal, sharing files, and more, be available in the browser for use on any operating system. The project isn't re-inventing the wheel, the technology is already there, we are just putting everything together. Brackets , for example, will be used for the code editor, while webtorrent will be used f...