First bugs completed

After working on my bugs for the past few weeks, I've finally completed two of my bugs! The bugs themselves were very simple to solve, but in this process, I've learned how to use a variety of different Git command, including clone, pull, add, fork, and pull request. I use to feel lost while using Git, now I'm much more confident with my new skills.

Neither of my bugs were software-breaking bugs, and most users wouldn't even notice them. I finished my first bug in my previous blog, you can go and view it here. Deep inside of Firefox's Dev-tools, one button's boundaries extended to the end of the screen, instead of around the image only. The fix was relatively easy, a CSS class was already created and I only had to place the class name in the correct spot on the HTML page. I left the last blog after I completed the bug, without creating a Pull Request. During my previous lab, I practiced creating a Pull Request, so I had an idea on how to do it this time. I created the Pull Request, and now we wait until it's approved! (Hopefully)

My second bug was slightly more challenging. This is also a Firefox bug, inside of activity-stream. While opening a new tab on Firefox, the blank window that pop ups is the activity stream. While the preference panel is open, scroll is enabled for both the preference panel and the background, and all I had to do was disable the scrolling for the background.

I had plenty of troubles with setting up my environment for this project. After following all the instructions carefully, the command 'npm run buildmc' is suppose to start a process that will watch files in my activity-stream, and continuously build.copy changes to my mozilla-central directory. For some strange reason, none of the changes that I tried ever updated in the mozilla-central directory, everything always changed back!

After a frustrating few hours of researching and trying different solutions, I finally found the online chat room that the activity-stream devs hang out at. Shortly after I joined the chatroom, one of the members, Mardak, helped me through my problem. Mardak stayed patient with me throughout the entire conversation. After a few minutes of help, I finally had my environment set up and was ready for coding, thanks again Mardak!

The bug wasn't hard to find. The code is written in React, a brand new library for me, fortunately it is very similar to JavaScript so I can read it. In the function togglePanel(), I simply hid the scroll on the body when the panel is open.

After building and running Firefox again, the double scroll is hidden.

I created another Pull Request, and now I wait for it to be accepted. In the meantime, I still have another bug to work on, this time on Thimble. Stay tuned for updates.


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